Ditel puts its commercial management solutions carrying out collections in compliance with the anti-fraud law

Software and cash collection: the law changes in France: what impact?

The finance law published in the "Official Tax Bulletin" of August 3, 2016 requires merchants to use a secure and certified collection system. Merchants have until January 1, 2018 to comply.

The law thus makes it mandatory to use a secure and certified collection system, which should make it impossible to fraudulently cancel or modify transactions. To comply with this law, Ditel provides an update for users of Ditel POS solutions

Merchants have until January 1, 2018 to comply.

Who is affected by secure software?

According to the new law, all merchants accepting payments and mainly cash payments subject to VAT must use, from 1 January 2018, secure and certified collection software.

The devices or systems that must be NF 525 certified are:

- autonomous cash registers,

- point-of-sale terminals (called TPV),

- collection software,

- complete collection systems including collection, adjustment of inventory monitoring and accounting.

What is a secure and certified collection software according to the new law?

A collection software allows the computer processing of the data entered. For it to be certified, it must allow the inalterability, security, storage and archiving of data for the purpose of control by the tax administration. Clearly, according to the new regulations on collection software, the certified software must prevent the concealment of transactions after they have been recorded. Logically, with such software, any entry of operations cannot be modified without leaving traces.

New collection law, how to check the compliance of your software?

The software must meet conditions of inalterability, traceability, security, storage and archiving of data for the control of the tax administration.


- Preservation of the original data recorded and making them non-modifiable a posteriori.

- Any necessary modification is carried out by compensation (reversal of the movement then entry of the desired movement).

- The integrity of the recorded data must be guaranteed over time by any reliable technical process.

Traceability and security of information:

- This security can be ensured by any reliable technical process, that is to say likely to guarantee and allow verification of the restitution of payment data in the state of their original recording. It may in particular be a technique for chaining records.

- The “school” or “test” functionalities intended for the recording of operations intended for the training of personnel must be either secured and clearly identified or deleted.

Storage and archiving of data:

- Since payment data is data used to draw up the company's accounts, it must be kept for a period of six years.

- The accounting or management software or the cash register system must allow archiving of the data recorded according to a chosen frequency, at the most annually or per financial year. The purpose of the archiving procedure is to freeze the data and give a certain date to the archived documents. It must provide a technical device guaranteeing the integrity over time of the archives produced and their conformity with the initial payment data from which they are created. Archives can be kept in the system itself or outside the system when there is a purge procedure.

- The archives must be able to be easily read by the administration in the event of an audit, including when the company has changed software or system.

- This security can be ensured by any reliable technical process, that is to say likely to guarantee and allow verification of the restitution of payment data in the state of their original recording.

Ditel's response to these obligations:

Ditel will send you an individual certificate of compliance for all customers who have subscribed to the annual maintenance of the cash register and collection software, i.e. Ditel Commercial Management and Ditel Hunting and Fishing Store (specific maintenance at 350 euros excl. tax)

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